Finding the right therapist for you.

January 15th, 2024 Written by: Carissa Watson-Ramos, LCSW

As children we hear the story of Cinderella and for some watch this movie on repeat. Well, I am sure that most of us can all recall when the Royal Entourage shows up at the Evil Stepmother’s house and they have the girls try on the Glass Slipper. SPOILER ALERT for those who have not seen this movie… but the glass Slipper fits only Cinderella (GASP)! The point in this small recap is finding the right therapist is often finding the owner of the glass slipper. It must be right!

Oftentimes we try to force ourselves to go to a therapist we don’t jive with and feel an overall sense of dread towards ‘therapy.’ Feeling physically uncomfortable is a major red flag that your therapist is not best suited for you. Being able to find a therapist you are comfortable with in terms of opening up with and expressing your emotions is paramount in the therapy process. As Kelly mentioned, “Therapy is a safe place to explore solutions and gain skills that we need to move through everyday life.” It is okay to be picky, we as therapists also understand we may not be your cup of tea. We want to ensure that you get the most out of your experience.

How Do I know this is the right therapist for me?

            First impressions are everything! It is important to listen to your gut and what it is telling you. There is no point in trying to make a square puzzle piece fit into a circle. If you don’t feel that you and your therapist align in multiple facets, then the fact of the matter is they might not fit your specific needs. Things to consider are:

·      Are they a good fit with my personality?

·      Are they respectful of my time?

·      Do I feel seen, heard, validated in my emotions and feelings?

·      Is there a specific modality of therapy I am looking for that they offer?

·      As an added bonus, am I able to utilize my insurance benefits?

Finding the therapist that is right for you is a personalized experience and will look different for everyone. Ultimately, trusting your gut and asking yourself “Am I comfortable with this person? Do I feel safe with this therapist?”


If you have any questions or want to schedule a consultation to see if we are the right fit for you, please contact us at (936)228-8111.



Therapy – What is it and why do I need to know about it?